Reading Group
The biweekly RCNP reading group takes usually place on Tuesdays at 15:30 and covers a variety of topics in the history and philosophy of physics and mathematics. The current ``season'', running from 4 February to 1 April, focuses on the foundations of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The next season, from 15 April to the end of June, will be about scientific representation and models. For questions, please contact Kian Salimkhani.
When: See schedule below
Where: Erasmus building 18.02
4 February 2025
Frigg and Werndl, Foundations of Statistical Mechanics
18 Febuary 2025
Jos Uffink, Bluff Your Way into the Second Law of Thermodynamics
4 March 2025
Jos Uffink, Compendium of the Foundations of Classical Statistical Physics (pages 1-87, i.e. up to and including Gibbs)
18 March 2025
Jos Uffink, Compendium of the Foundations of Classical Statistical Physics (remainder)
1 April (not a joke) 2025
Lena Zuchowski, From Randomness and Entropy to the Arrow of Time
15 April 2025
Nguyen and Frigg, Scientific Representation
Previous readings
Connes, Lichnerowicz and Schutzenberger: Triangle de Pensées (Triangle of Thought)
Patricia Palacios, Emergence and Reduction in Physics
Kerry McKenzie, Fundamentality and Grounding
Nazim Bouatta and Jeremy Butterfield, On Emergence in Gauge Theories at the 't Hooft Limit
Alexandre Guay and Olivier Sartenaer: A new look at emergence. Or when after is different
Sebastian de Haro: Towards a Theory of Emergence for the Physical Sciences
Sébastien Rivat: Open systems across scales
Sébastien Rivat: Effective theories and infinite idealizations
Sébastien Rivat: Drawing scales apart
Sébastien Rivat: Renormalization scrutinized
Philip W. Anderson: More is different
Jeremy Butterfield: Less is different
Jeremy Butterfield: Emergence, Reduction and Supervenience: A Varied Landscape
Routledge Companion to Phenomenology: Logic (Tieszen) and Philosophy of mathematics (Hartimo and Haaparanta)
Edmund Husserl: Addendum III to the Crisis
Edmund Husserl: Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology
Wayne Myrvold: On some early objections to Bohm’s theory
Marij van Strien: Why Bohm was never a determinist
Klaas Landsman: Bohmian mechanics is not deterministic
David Bohm: Causality and Chance in Modern Physics
Klaas Landsman: Getting even with Heisenberg
Werner Heisenberg: Reality and its Order