Start of RCNP

Although the RCNP had already been engaged in various activities throughout the previous academic year, such as the reading group and the first colloquium by Michel Janssen, the RCNP really got going on 2 September 2024 with the official arrival of Manus Visser and his PhD candidate Silvester Borsboom. All three Assistant Professors have now started, though we are still waiting for PhD candidate Karla Weingarten and Postdoc Martin Voggenauer to arrive in October. Besides various introductory meetings, getting toured around the departments, cake, administrative tasks and the first lectures of the new academic year, the new and old members were treated with a great talk by Jay Armas at the RCNP colloquium and a dinner afterwards.

But that was not all. Indeed, the members needed not despair that, after such an eventful first week, they would have too much time on their hands during the weekend, since the RCNP also organised the Weekend Seminar in Philosophy of Physics from 6-8 September. More elaborate covering of this seminar will appear soon.